Category - FCPX

How To Fix FCP7 Out of Memory Error

Solving Out of Memory Error in FCP7 The out of memory error in final cut pro 7 certainly is mysterious and very frustrating. I had this error today while working on a project with a lot of large jpg...

Free Final Cut Pro X Grading Tutorials

15 Free Color Grading Tutorials posted a link to the first 5 of 15 free tutorials from Color Grading Central. If you want to see all 15 short tutorials on everything from creating looks to...

Colour Grading Workflows

Resolve 9 R3D Grading Workflow Markus Wellguny shares his dailies, editorial and final conform workflow in his guest post on If you’re about to begin work on a R3D project and...

New Features in FCPX 10.0.6

LAFCPUG – FCPX 10.0.6 Walkthrough For over an hour, Mark Spencer and Steve Martin from Ripple Training walk through the new features in FCPX 10.0.6 at the latest LAFCPUG meeting. The update to...

FCPX 10.0.6 – Free Tutorials

Free Tutorials for FCPX 10.0.6 We Make Movies has eight free tutorials, specifically for the new FCPX 10.0.6 update, that will take you through among other things a detailed RED workflow as well as...

Final Cut Pro X Update – 10.0.6

What’s in the new FCP X Update? Phillip Hodgetts, as a developer, has the low down on all the new features and tweaks in the latest update of FCP X including: – RED support, dual viewers...

Free Tutorials For Learning FCPX

46 Tutorials Learning FCPX If you’re interested in learning FCPX then having 46 feature by feature tutorials on hand will definitely help get you started. Dan Allen has created them and...

Expand your skill set – Free Tutorials

Video2Brain – Free Tutorial Archive If you’re looking to expand your skill set and be able to say ‘yes’ when you get the classic client question: “Can you use...

Finishing in Final Cut Pro X

Finishing Your Project in FCPX Oliver Peter’s has a great article on colour grading in FCP X to finish your project. Demonstrating just how much is possible (although why wouldn’t you...

RED Workflow – FCP7 to Resolve to FCPX

Indie feature film RED workflow has a great write up of one indie feature’s RED workflow that involved roundtrips from Final Cut Pro 7 through Resolve and back to FCP X. Nick Gregorio...

Free 120 page Final Cut Pro 7 editing ebook

Over 170 tips, tricks and techniques for FCP7 Digital Heaven (a UK company that also runs has just added Final Cut Pro Killer Secrets (formerly a £9.99 ebook) to their selection of...

Getting started using LUTS

Using LUT Buddy from Red Giant LUT Buddy is one of Red Giants free tools (along with Colorista Free) and allows you to… Use LUT Buddy with host apps like After Effects and FCP to output LUTs...

Choosing your editing software package…

Premiere Pro CS6 vs Final Cut Pro X Vs Avid MC6 If you’re trying to decide which editing software to go for, be it Adobe, Apple or Avid then Oliver Peter’s insightful article will help...

Final Cut Pro X Tutorials

Learning Final Cut Pro X Given that you can download a free trial of FCPX there’s no reason not to give it a go. If you want a helping hand in getting started there are plenty of resources...