Post Haste, from Digital Rebellion, is a free time saving tool for setting up template folder structures to streamline your post production workflow.
Category - Free download
Learning Lightworks
Lightworks – the free open source NLE, is coming soon to the mac on December 19th. If you’ve not signed up to the forum, you should, its a thriving community of tips, tricks and solutions...
Automatic Duck – Free Tools
With Automatic Duck being bought by Adobe (and soon to be integrated into the next release) Automatic Duck have released its suite of tools for frees so snap them up while you can. They’re the...
Best free editing tools on the web…
Michael Cinquin has created some of the most useful free editing tools around. They’re amazing because they do obscure but vital things, really well. They’re also free. They’re a...
Free FCP X and helpful guide for FCP7 editors…
Apple released FCP X 1.01 today. A few helpful updates, but for me FCP 7, still isn’t broken, so why ‘fix’ it in a half-baked way. But you can get your hands on 30 day free trial to...
LightWorks coming soon to mac…
Edit share have just announced that they will be releasing Lightworks on November 29th with the mac version being available on the 19th December 2011. The source code will become available at...
Free Motion templates
There is a mixed bag of free motion templates available on the net, sometimes useful in a tight spot when you’re short of time on an edit but more often than not it takes as much time to adapt...
5DtoRGB v1.5 – Free tool for HDSLR workflow…
Rarevision’s 5DtoRGB is a conversion tool to take your HDSLR footage out of its native format and into an edit friendly one. It does this without the quicktime based idiosyncrasies of gamma...
Free Film – Sita Sings The Blues
Sita Sings The Blues is an epic animation project by Nina Paley, distributed under a creative commons license and freely available on the net. It took her three years to animate the whole thing in...
Free DaVinci Resolve (Lite)
Blackmagic Design are doing the world a favour again (aside from a range of great products, releasing DaVinci Resolve for £700 was generous) with a free version of their fantastic colour grading...
Download your learning
I’m all about learning. I love learning. I don’t know anyone who will ever tell you to stop learning. When you stop learning, you get boring very quickly. Here are some links to get you...
Working with ARRI Alexa footage
Oliver Peter’s at Digital Films has a great article (among a huge, and equally great, back catalogue) on working with Arri Alexa footage in a variety of NLE’s. Useful free downloads...
Newsletters – casting wide the net.
Newsletters are a simple way to stay abreast of the latest news and tech developments, viral videos and cool new sites. Here are three of my favourites… 1. Studio Daily – If it passes by...
Incredibly useful and free tool – BMD Disk Speed Test
Via here’s a quick pointer to BlackMagic Design’s free (via the App Store) Disk speed test. Now you can see if your hard drives will handle what you want to throw at them….
How to convert .mts/m2ts footage on a mac for free
A client has given me stacks of footage shot using the AVCHD codec. This won’t export through Mpeg Streamclip (ever faithful though it normally is) but a work around is this… 1. Drop the...