Avid Media Composer is the only piece of software (other than After Effects) that I’ve lost work by not knowing. Some post houses are all Avid and when you want to work there, you need to know...
Category - Free download
FCPX Freebies
FCPX Free Downloads Alex Gollner of Alex4d has a growing archive of free FCP X filters, effects and colour grades that you can download from his site. His latest batch is 11 colour effects including...
How to view Avid MXF files without installing Avid
ProVideoCoalition have a handy post on how to view Avid .MXF files without having to install Avid. This becomes very useful when all you want to know is what’s inside that folder of confusingly...
Alexis Van Hurkman on DaVinci Resolve
DaVinci Resolve Resources Alexis Van Hurkman is a colorist and DaVinci Resolve trainer. He’s here on the latest Macbreak Studio episode, giving an introduction to Resolve. You can buy his...
Baselight Plugin for FCP7
Filmlight, the UK company that make the Baselight colour grading systems recently released a plugin for Final Cut Pro that delivers all the power of Baselight inside the FCP interface, but then...
Free DaVinci Resolve Video Tutorials – One Week Only!
Patrick Inhofer from Tao of Color is giving away two complete lessons from his DaVinci Resolve 8 Masterclass series, which are available to download for this week only! DaVinci Resolve Training...
Colour grading a TV commercial using Assimilate Scratch
Freelance colorist Andreas Brueckl has some great tutorials for colour grading using Assimilate Scratch. This whirlwind tutorial reveals the process he used for a TV commercial which involved a lot...
DaVinci Resolve Lite – more tutorials
Here is a decent 15 minute tutorial that will help you get started with using DaVinci Resolve Lite. Dan walks through how to get set up, bring in media and work with R3D footage. More free DaVinici...
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Never miss anything ever again by signing up for the free weekly digest which brings together all the great insights, video tutorials, free downloads and links that are carefully curated on this blog...
Free blur effects for FCPX
Alex Gollner of Alex4d has some more free Final Cut Pro X effects available to download, this time focusing on creating different styles of blur effect. Download seven free blur effects and more...
Final Cut Pro X 10.0.3
Final Cut Pro X 10.0.3 Reviews… Apple’s latest update to Final Cut Pro X adds multicam editing, autosync (ie pluraleyes) and a bunch of other features that should really have been in the...
Free webinar – Colour Management 102 by THX
This is the second part in THX’s new webinar series providing intensely detailed and scientific information on undesrstanding all aspects of colour management, with this hour long webinar...
Press Pause Play – The Creative Pulse of the Globe
This is a free feature length documentary which essentially feels like sticking a thermometer into the creative globe and coming to grips with the result. A digital revolution that is kill off old...
Free digital specification guides and short cut cheat-sheets
If you need help remembering how fast transfer speeds are over firewire 800, or what the target bit rates are for RED-RAW or what the shortcut is for ‘add edit’ in FCP7 then look no...
Free stock footage and After Effects tutorials
If you need some free stock footage for your effects work and you’ve not yet checked out videocopilot.net then you’ve been missing out on a tremendous wealth of free goodies and amazing...