DaVinci Resolve 10 & Tutorial Round Up

DaVinci Resolve 10 & Grading Tutorials

DaVinci Resolve 10

In the aftermath of NAB 2013 I collected together everything I could find on DaVinci Resolve 10, including several demos and interviews so do check out that post when you get done with this one. (If you want more on NAB and colour grading check out this post)

This week Redshark News posted this five page article featuring an in-depth run through of all the new features in Resolve 10 with Richard Lim and Bob Caniglia from Blackmagic Design, including the new online editor and live grading functionality. A great read!

Free App To Collect Footage For Resolve

Editor and Colorist Nickolai Waldman has created a free app for use with DaVinci Resolve which allows your to selectively copy the just the footage you need from a RAID or NAS (Network Attached Storage) based on a EDL workflow through Resolve. Nickolai also provides a step by step guide on how to use it.

Free App For DaVinci Resolve

Round Tripping With Resolve

The latest Coloristo’s podcast features a great ‘insiders’ discussion of how to get your project into and out of Resolve from FCP7, Media Composer and Premiere Pro. They also discuss whether round tripping is really what you want to do in the first place.

I have previously blogged about how to do just this with a collection of tutorials on how to round trip with each of the aforementioned NLEs.

Colour Grading Techniques

Larry Jordan recently delivered this 25 minute presentation on colour grading within FCPX with a focus on how to read the scopes inside FCPX to grade accurately.

Larry Jordan, Color Correcting in FCPX using Scopes.

Copying a Look With Keyframes

Warren Eagles from the International Colorist Academy, shares a quick tip on how to copy a grade with 2 keyframed shapes from one clip to another using the Auto Keyframer.

3 Strip Technicolour Look

3 Strip Technicolor Look in DaVinci Resolve

John Burkhart has written up a fairly detailed step by step guide on how to create a classic 3 strip Technicolor look within DaVinci Resolve using some free Cinema DNG footage from a BMDCC. He also includes a free download of the project file. A great lesson in replicating a vintage film stock look.

Colorist Questions & Answers

Color Grading Q+A

Alexis Van Hurkman provides a detailed technical answer to what (if any) differences exist between the common grading controls and what they all mean. There is also an answer to the question about orders of operations for luma curves. Interesting geek fodder, that people like me love to read. In another post Alexis tackles how to manage an entire grade and whether you should balance all your shots in the first pass and then apply your ‘look’ later, or do it all at once. If you have questions, email them to Alexis.

When considering clipping and compression in a linear series of image adjustment operations, you should get used to thinking about individual adjustments in terms of whether they preserve or discard image detail. Then, choosing whether you want to apply an adjustment to the pre-clipped data or the post-clipped data is a creative choice, as there could be completely valid reasons for doing one or the other. This is true for contrast operations, color operations, and operations for sharpening or blurring the image.

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