Grading in REDCINE-X Pro and more…
REDCINE-X Pro, the free ingest and grading application from RED, lets you create dailies or finished graded material from your original RED metadata. The software is now in its 15th stable build as for the end of July and you can download it here.
This video tutorial from RED demonstrates the full feature set and controls of the ‘Look Panel’ and demonstrates how to create, apply and store preset looks for your rushes.
There is also a useful article introducing some of the basic grading concepts used in the tutorial. A helpful tip to remember is that more often than not you should be using the latest colour science from Red (redcolor3 and redgamma 3) or if you’re later manually grading for a specific look using RedLogFilm for the gamma.
REDCINE-X Pro Basics
There are several other useful tutorials on the Red learning site on the basics of using REDCINE-X Pro including creating dailies with audio-sync and exporting. Nofilmschool also has a useful post on getting the best (sharpest) exports out of REDCINE-X Pro’s software downscaling settings, which is worth checking out if you’re delivering 1080p.