Category - Final Cut Pro

Final Cut Pro 7 and X

How To Make A DCP For Free

Creating Digital Cinema Packages for free Digital Cinema Packages are the gateway to digital cinema projection and distribution and is a specifically designed set of video, audio and metadata files...

Fighting Sex Trafficking With Filmmaking

Editing With A Cause – Taken Photodocumentary Taken, a photodocumentary ebook, launched last week and available on iPads everywhere from the ibooks store, is out to help fight sex trafficking...

How to plan production and post properly

How to properly plan your production and post When planning the technical ins and outs of your film production and post workflow its important to actually have a plan for the whole process before you...

DaVinci Resolve 10 & Tutorial Round Up

DaVinci Resolve 10 & Grading Tutorials In the aftermath of NAB 2013 I collected together everything I could find on DaVinci Resolve 10, including several demos and interviews so do check out that...

Matching Film Stocks with Film Convert

Matching Film Stocks with Film Convert If you’re looking for a simple way to match your digital footage to what you might get out of a film camera then Film Convert is a New Zealand based...

Film grain and light leaks

How to get a film look Everyone shooting digital wants their stuff to look like film. (Why not shoot film then?!) There are several footage packages that allow you to overlay real or simulated film...