Post Production Workflows – Assimilate Scratch 7
Assimilate Scratch 7 is a high end 4K ‘Creative DI’ tool designed to cover every aspect of your post production workflow. Assimilate describes it as:
The first real-time, client-attended toolset in the industry to marry dailies, conform, editing, color grading, titling, 3D compositing and finishing into a single, consistent interface.
For all that finishing goodness you do have to pay a high price at $20,000 for a full license or you can rent it for a month for $2,100. If you want to see why that might just be worth it, check out these previous posts on technical artists using Scratch.
Studio Daily has a short but detailed interview with DIT and Colorist Mark Wilenkin on making the most of the ACES (Academy Color Encoding Specification) workflow in Assimilate Scratch.
[ACES] gives a far better-looking image from the get-go on raw material than the LUT-based color workflows we’ve been used to. ACES automatically adjusts the raw data of the files, based on the color temperature and ISO setting of the shot, to the target deliverable color space.
Anatomy of a 4K Feature
In this hour long webinar composed of a ten minute ‘re-broadcast’ of an event originally at RED Studios plus a discussion from director Jeremy Torrie and colorist and DI Artist Gary Jackemuck on what it takes to shoot and post a feature in 4K whilst also doing the finishing remotely. There is also a tutorial walk through of using Scratch with 4K material plus a good 15 minutes of Q&A to finish.
HD-DSLR Workflow
This 12 minute tutorial from Sherif Sadek demonstrates how you can use Scratch 7 to ingest HD-DSLR media, insert timecode and reel numbers into the files, transcode them for an offline edit and then re-conform that edit back to the original media. Sherif uses Scratch Lab in this tutorial which is aimed at DIT’s and edit assistants to use for comprehensive dailies creation. You can even rent a license at $50 a day.
Sony F5/55/65 – Shoot, Cut & Colour
In this second Scratch 7 webinar DP Tomas Tucker and Colorflow colorist Alex Maclean walk through how to use Scratch to manage each camera’s footage taking it through compositing, grading and finishing. It’s a really detailed webinar and if you’re thinking of using any of these camera’s its a great webinar chock full of deeply technical detail.