The Best of Editor Bruce Banner, A.C.E.

The Best of Editor Bruce Banner, A.C.E.

Funny film editing tweets

There are some editors who are worth following on Twitter for the creative insights they share, others for the depth of knowledge they bring to the global post-production community.

Others like Jesse Averna, ACE @Dr0id for the kindness, positivity and clarity they project into the Twittersphere. Follow Jesse, your time on Twitter will be all the better for it.

There are also some how are just plain funny. To me, @AvidEditor_Hulk is one of those.

I’m not sure if I’ve just not been paying attention but the account seems largely anonymous, although it is run by a working professional working in and around LA.

This post, of the best of Bruce, is going to be a quick one compared to my usual articles, but nonetheless hopefully time well spent!

Thank you Bruce Banner, ACE whoever you are, for all the laughs about life working in an edit suite.

As a quick aside @worsteditorever is also well worth following for a hoot or two. Here’s a previous post all about that.

UPDATE – Bruce Banner Editing from home

A Funny Film Editor Tweets.

Working with Professionals

Finding all the best nuggets in the footage

The Signature Hawk Screech

1 Comment

  • I never thought in my life I’d see a tweet dedicated to Bruce Banner being an editor. As a film editor, I never follow any editors on any social media but now looks like I have a first one. And man do I feel a lot of these tweets in my soul. Good stuff.

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