How to be a great sound editor

Sound editing 30 minute bootcamp

Vickie Sampson presented this 30 minute walk through at LAFCPUG about what your sound editor needs from all aspects of production, but also from you as the film editor.

She refers to several documents during here talk which can be downloaded here:

What Sound Editors need from Picture Editors

An Open Letter from your Sound Department

Learning to become a sound editor

If you’re just starting out in the industry and want to know more about what it takes tobe a sound editor check out this useful article from Creative Skill Set. There are also some great links at the bottom of their page. I also came across this book while rummaging for good sound design resources.

The Sound Effects Bible: How to Create and Record Hollywood Style Sound Effects

If you’re looking for some inspiration of how great sound design can be check out legendary sound designer Ben Burtt on Wall-E.

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